WP4 – Injury criteria / threshold

The usefulness of currently used neck injury criteria to predict the injury risk in females will be analysed in WP4. Additionally, assessment of female injury risk based on crash recorder data will be carried out. We will also investigate the seat-dummy interaction in respect of injury criteria for females and compare the injury predictors for males and females based on computer simulations.

Update, August 2011

The literature review in the frame of WP1 summarizes the possibilities to consider neck injury risk. It first describes suggestions of how the female neck
injury risk could be assessed. Based on this, theoretical suggestions were
developed to consider the female injury risk. Focus was set on the modification
of existing injury criteria, particularly the Neck Injury Criterion (NIC) and

The theoretical approaches will be complemented by sled testing and computer simulations to investigate their practical applicability. The corresponding sled tests have been performed 21-24 March 2011. The performance of computer simulations is currently being prepared. Two different sets of simulations will be conducted. Firstly a model of the BioRID II will be compared to the newly established EvaRID model. Secondly, human body models representing a male as well as a female will be used. Both series of simulations will utilize the same seat model in order to allow better comparison of the results. The crash pulses used in the simulations are based on real-world crash data collected by Folksam.

WP4 leader

Dr Kai-Uwe Schmitt

Stiftung Arbeitsgruppe für Unfallmechanik (AGU)
