
News archive

19 April, 2013

The ADSEAT-project has come to an end. In our final Newsletter we summon up the results.

16 January, 2013

The Final Workshop in Brief The purpose of this one day workshop is to present the main work carried out in the ADSEAT project. The workshop is organised in five sessions which address the ADSEAT strategy and its justification based on accident data

20 December 2012

The 2nd Publishable Summary summarising the ADSEAT project is now available for downloading.

2nd Publishable Summary

22 November, 2012

Two full papers and two short papers describing different parts of the achievements in the ADSEAT project were submitted to the IRCOBI conference as part of the mid-term workshop. All the submitted papers were accepted for the conference and presented during an ADSEAT special session. Approximately 80 persons attended the ADSEAT special session and numerous questions were posed and the result of the project was discussed.

30 October, 2012

The article Development and validation of a coupled headneck FEM – application to whiplash injury criteria investigation was published in International Journal of Crashworthiness . The article was written by F. Meyer, N. Bourdet, K. Gunzel & R. Willinger, University of Strasbourg, France.

26 September, 2012

The following ADSEAT-papers were presented at the IRCOBI Conference in Dublin, 12-14 September 2012:

Linder A, Olsén, S, Eriksson, J, , Carlsson A, Svensson M (2012) Influence of Gender, Height, Weight, Age, Seated Position and Collision Site related to Neck Pain Symptoms in Rear End Impacts

Carlsson A, Chang F, Lemmen P, Kullgren A Schmitt K-U,. Linder A, Svensson M (2011) EvaRID – A 50th Percentile Female Rear Impact Finite Element Dummy Model

Schmitt K-U, Weber T, Svensson M, Davidsson J, Carlsson A, Björklund M, Jakobsson L, Tomasch E, Linder A (2012) Seat testing to investigate the female neck injury risk – preliminary results using a new female dummy prototype

Gutsche A, Tomasch E, Sinz W, Cerrillo X, Levallois I, Schmitt K-U, Weber T, Steffan H (2012) Basic comparison of the injury risk of a male and female dummy model in rear impact collisions


11 July, 2012

PhD thesis "Addressing Female Whiplash Injury Protection - A Step Towards 50th Percentile Female Rear Impact Occupant Models"

The ADSEAT project has resulted in Dr Anna Carlsson successfully defending her thesis and receiving her PhD on 20 April 2012. The study was divided in two major parts; rear impact volunteer tests (Papers I–III) and data for the development of 50th percentile female occupant models (Papers IV–V).

The initial part of the work was primarily funded by the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), Sweden; additional funding was provided by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, (IIHS), USA, Folksam Research Foundation (FOLKSAM) Sweden, and The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Sweden. The latter part of the thesis describes research performed within the ADSEAT project.

For more information:

Read the ADSEAT newsletter #2

Read the thesis:
Addressing Female Whiplash Injury Protection - A Step Towards 50th Percentile Female Rear Impact Occupant Models

Anna Carlsson, Department of Applied Mechanics/Safer, Chalmers University of Technology. E-mail:

25 June, 2012

Adseat Newsletter #2 ready to download.


14 May, 2012

Paper on ADSEAT presented at Transport Research Arena 2012

The paper entitled "ADSEAT - Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants" was accepted and included in the TRA2012 Conference programme, presented April 23-26. Authors: Linder A., Schick  S., Hell W., Svensson m., Carlsson A., Lemmen P., Schmitt K-U., Tomasch E.

The list of accepted papers for oral and poster presentations and the provisional conference programme is available at the TRA2012 Official Website,


9 December, 2011

Useful resource for researchers

The European Commission's DG Research and Innovation, has a new
improved website that deals with transport research. Here you will find the latest news on upcoming calls, policy and results of ongoing research, including ADSEAT.

To Website


8 November, 2011

Whiplash injury research at Chalmers presented in China

A review including the latest developments in the  ADSEAT project was presented by Mats Svensson at the 2011 International Conference on Vehicle Noise, Vibration and Safety Technology” (ICVNVST2011) in Chongqing, China, October 23-25, 2011. The conference is organized by State Key Laboratory of Vehicle NVH and Safety Technology and co-sponsored by Chongqing Science & Technology Commission, Changan Automobile Co., Ltd (CHANA), and China Automotive Engineering Research Institute (CAERI). The conference theme was “comfort & safety – focus on vehicle technologies".


7 September, 2011

Sled tests were performed

to investigate the predictive power of different injury criteria for female passengers. Based on currently used criteria such as NIC and Nkm as well as based on a theoretical approach taking into account different injury risk curves for males and females, suggestions for injury criteria specifically addressing a female were developed. These suggestions were evaluated by conducting sled test with different seats. As a test dummy a modified BioRID – called BioRID50F – was used. This dummy takes into account the anthropometry of a female. The series of sled tests is now completed. The results were compared with available data of sled tests using a BioRID. In a further step computer simulations will be performed to complement the sled tests and give additional insights with respect to the applicability of injury criteria for females.


7 September, 2011

Adseat presented at Whiplash Trauma Congress

Results have been presented at the Fifth International Whiplash - Trauma Congress in August 2011, Center of excellence for pain after whiplash trauma at Skåne University Hospital, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Lund.

27 July, 2011

Female crash-test dummy

The first version of a female crash-test dummy, EvaRID V1.0, is developed in LS-Dyna and is available at Humanetics,


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Updated leaflet

Leaflet updated September 2, 2011