Project Overview
The ADSEAT project is an EU funded project within the 7th Framework which started 1 October 2009 and will end 31 March 2013. The consortium consists of 12 partners working together aiming to advance seat design to reduce whiplash injury in general, but with special emphasis on adaptive seat systems. It is to be ensured that such systems are of benefit for both male and female occupants.
Whiplash injuries sustained in vehicle crashes is a worldwide problem. It is estimated that 300 000 citizens annually suffer whiplash injuries in the European Union, of which 15 000 result in long term suffering with an associated socio-economic impact of approximately 4 billion Euros per annum (insurance estimates). Read more..
Vision and objective
Our vision is to substantially reduce the whiplash injury risk for all vehicle occupants by preparing the ground work and initiate recommendations for future evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-whiplash systems. Read more...
Given the vast difference in injury risk between males and females, the availability of an average male dummy alone may limit the assessment and development of whiplash prevention systems, which adequately protect both male and female vehicle occupants. The focus in ADSEAT is to identify and collect the information needed to describe the female characteristics that should be incorporated in a female whiplash dummy. Read more...