VTI - Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

VTI is a research institute in the transport sector. VTI's principal task is to conduct research and development related to infrastructure, traffic and transportation. The institute works with all modes of transport. VTI is the coordinator of the ADSEAT-project.

Website: www.vti.se

AGU, Switzerland

The Working Group on Accident Mechanics (AGU) is an interdisciplinary
research group, incorporated as a foundation with the purpose of conducting
universitary and industrial research projects, expertises, teaching, and
accident reconstructions in the field of trauma biomechanics, especially where
road traffic safety is concerned.

Website: www.agu.ch 

Chalmers university of technology, Sweden

A Swedish University of technology in which research and teaching are conducted on a broad front within technology, natural science and architecture. Inspiration lies in the joy of discovery and the desire to learn.

Website: www.chalmers.se

Cidaut, Spain

CIDAUT (Research and Development Center in Transport & Energy) is a foundation with the principal objective to nurture the competitiveness and the industrial development of the companies in the automotive sector. In order to realize this objective, the Foundation promotes scientific investigation, technological development and innovation applicable to industry in general and to the transport and energy sectors in particular.

Website: www.cidaut.es

Faurecia, France

Faurecia, a specialist in the engineering and production of automotive solutions, holds global leadership status in each of its core businesses: Automotive Seating, Emissions Control Technologies, Interior Systems and Automotive Exteriors.

Website: fwww.faurecia.com

Folksam, Sweden

Folksam is a mutual company meaning the customers are also the owners. The profit doesn’t go to shareholders, it stays within the company and benefits all. In co-operation with the customers Folksam creates and provides a variety of solutions for insurance, savings and loans.

Website: www.folksam.se

Graz University of Technology, Austria

In world-wide competition with comparable institutions, Graz University of Technology pursues top teaching and research in the fields of the engineering sciences and the technical-natural sciences.

Website: portal.tugraz.at

LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich

LMU Munich is one of the leading research universities in Europe, with a more than 500-year-long tradition.  LMU Munich provides excellent conditions for innovative basic research, both within individual disciplines and through inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations across various fields of knowledge.

Website: www.en.uni-muenchen.de

LU - Loughborough University, United Kingdom

From its earliest days Loughborough University has produced research that matters. Today it is an internationally acclaimed centre of research excellence and plays a leading role in the development of new knowledge and understanding across all its fields of activity.

Website: www.lboro.ac.uk

Humanetics, Germany

Humanetics produces a wide variety of products including regulated and non-regulated crash test dummies, ranging in size from new-born infants to large adult human surrogates. The Humanetics iCrash Technology™ portfolio takes crash testing to the next level by offering devices with fully integrated data acquisition systems.

Website: www.humaneticsatd.com

Uds, France

As a young  university founded on an age-old tradition, Université de Strasbourg strives to attain cross-disciplinarity so that this mixing fosters new research opportunities and produces courses that meet society's need. The international dimension is fundamental for the University of Strasbourg and thanks to the world wide reputation of its research teams, built on excellence and efficiency, it emerges among Europe's foremost research universities.

Website: www.unistra.fr

Volvo Cars, Sweden

The Volvo Car Corporation is one of the car industry’s strongest brands, with a
long and proud history of world-leading innovations. Founded in Gothenburg,
Sweden, by Gustaf Larson and Assar Gabrielsson, the first car left the factory
on 14 April, 1927.

Website: www.volvocars.com