First announcement: ADSEAT Final Workshop February 14th 2013

16 January, 2013

The Final Workshop in Brief

The purpose of this one day workshop is to present the main work carried out in the ADSEAT project. The workshop is organised in five sessions which address the ADSEAT strategy and its justification based on accident data. During the day we will discuss and present the developed model; EvaRID, present the results from seat tests with a scaled down hardware dummy and finally present and discuss the ADSEAT seat evaluation guidelines. In addition, future needs and trends in the virtual testing area addressing seat protective performances will be discussed in a panel discussion with invited stakeholders.

The workshop is free of charge and lunch will be provided

Workshop Agenda

Thursday February 14th 2013, 8:30 to 16:30

• Registration and Opening
• ADSEAT results and outputs
• Panel Discussion
• Closure
(Detailed program to follow)


Deadline for registration: February 6, 2013

Please click here for registration form

Note that pre-registration is required and personal identification details will be needed for admittance to the venue.


Dr Astrid Linder


The European Commission, Brussels (Details about venue to follow)


The overall objective of the ADSEAT (Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants) project is to provide guidance on how to evaluate the protective performance of vehicle seat designs aiming to reduce the incidence of Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD), also known as whiplash injuries. The work concentrates on evaluating the protective performance of seats beneficial to female, as well as, male motor vehicle occupants.

In the project, the properties for a model of an average female has been established. These properties have been implemented in a finite elemt model, EvaRID, in order to provide an improved tool for the development and evaluation of adaptive systems, with special focus on protection against whiplash injuries.

This new research tool has been used in conjunction with the currently available rear impact dummy of an average male, the Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy (BioRID) II, for evaluating enhanced whiplash injury protection.

The project is co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th framework programme. It started 1 October 2009 and will finish 31 March 2013.